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When the 'Safer At Home' order closed their doors, a group of engineers with Makerspace Milwaukee knew the injection molding, 3D printers, and other machines in their factory could be used to make Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers.
They wanted to do more to contribute to the pandemic fight than stay at home. With so much need for PPE nationwide, three members of the non-profit organization knew it would be shame to waste the resources and talent now sitting idle.
May 05, 2020
The owners of Rebel Converting, a manufacturer of hospital-grade wipes, knew they could help with the shortage of face masks. They had the raw materials and engineering needed.
But they knew they also had a significant challenge -- they needed hundreds of volunteers and a plan to assemble and distribute the masks.
May 03, 2020
For Laura S, an Emergency Room (ER) nurse at a major hospital in Indianapolis, the pandemic has engulfed her hospital and her life. She is no stranger to the days when the ER became swamped with patients, nor the occasional scramble for monitors and beds. Nurses are use to multitasking. It's called a normal day in an ER. But the changes since the good old days of February 2020 have been dizzying. With the sudden arrival of the coronavirus into the city the ER has been swamped.
April 24, 2020
AJ is a college senior and also works as a resident support specialist at a facility in Columbia, MO. As part of his job he cares for medically fragile psychiatric patients. With his patients not being able to have visitors right now, he is also their friend and support person, along with his colleagues. We are so happy to have people in this world with hearts as big as his.
April 30, 2020
Feeling cooped up and stressed out at home last week, Don decided to take a break from work to go for a walk through his neighborhood. It turned out to be an excellent decision because what he discovered made him smile and forget his worries: the sidewalks were filled with colorful chalk art created by children! Greetings, words of encouragement, animals, geometric shapes, spring flowers. Everywhere he walked, he found the loveliness only a child can create.
April 20, 2020
"I have learned that I and many others will do what needs to be done with a smile on our faces and cry when we get home. I am realizing that even though I am scared for my own family, I am a nurse. It is my calling, my passion, and I wouldn't change it for anything. I learning that I am stronger than I realized I was, and this applies to many of us."
April 23, 2020
Dawn Delzer works as a medical technician and caregiver at Country Villa Assisted Living in Wisconsin. She has selflessly given everything she can to help her residents, working extra shifts and sacrificing time away from her loved ones to ensure the best care could be given during this time. She helped come up with ideas such as staff dress up days, messages from residents on social media, and other things to help raise morale amongst staff and residents alike. Dawn’s selfless devotion and dedication to her duties reflect great credit upon her and is why I feel she deserves to be given the title of hero. I know she is to me! [Pictured in the photo in the back middle with the red headband.]
May 08, 2020
April is National Poetry Month, and the former US Poet Laureate, Tracy Smith, was asked to find poems that captured the feelings of living through the Coronavirus pandemic. She browsed through her collection and found many that spoke to this moment. This simple poem by Marah Toews seen on Twitter (@Marah_Eliza) caught Smith's eye and reminded her "of what I feel during these weeks of sheltering in place."
April 26, 2020
Talk about timing! Taylor B, a Radiology Registered Nurse in Madison, WI, is expecting her first child in October. Taylor shares that pregnant nurses need to be especially careful to follow all CDC guidelines as to what PPE to wear.
April 21, 2020
When the schools closed down in Florida, Rebecca decided on her own to drive to the homes of each of her students for a visit -- a task she thought would take about three hours. Instead, it took six hours! This was because she knew it would be important to take the time needed for conversation with each of the kids and their families (at a safe distance, of course).
April 20, 2020
There were only two stages of grief for one runner when the Milwaukee Running Group shut down daily group workouts last month. For Olivia Spring first came “sadness” then came “let’s do something about it.” Olivia's idea to get herself out of the funk was to go to a map and plotted a street run that would draw one out of her favorite things -- a cat.
April 22, 2020
Heather has worked in an ICU unit for the past two years as a registered nurse. She has had the honor of taking care of patients in their most vulnerable time from helping save lives to helping others as they pass away. She said “It is exciting to see patients graduate from ICU and get out to the floor or even go home, and it is humbling and rewarding taking care of someone in their last moments when you have done everything you can to make them comfortable with family around”. Nursing today is different than when she started, mainly because the family can’t be there so Heather sees herself as more than “just” the nurse now. All the hospital staff become the patient’s only shoulders to cry on, their major support system, and their family.
April 20, 2020
It was the middle of March and Shorewood WI Village Manager, Rebecca Ewald, urgently needed face masks for essential municipal employees. Masks were in high demand and short supply, but Rebecca knew of a group that might be able to help.
April 20, 2020
When a Milwaukee bike shop owner, Brent Emery, got a call from a laid-off worker needing his bike repaired but couldn’t afford it, he didn’t hesitate. “Let’s get it on the schedule. I'll fix it and you can pay when you can.” Brent said.
April 20, 2020
Two mindfulness teachers recognize that many healthcare workers are currently overwhelmed and under resourced and wanted to do more than just say "thank you," they wanted to help. They felt that there was another part of the Covid-19 crisis that too few are talking about: health care workers’ mental health.
April 20, 2020
Erin is an RN and Charge Nurse at the COVID ICU at Froedert Hospital in Milwaukee. She works long shifts coordinating and providing care for Milwaukee’s sickest Covid-19 patients. Above all of the usual work and caring challenges of working in a tertiary ICU, Erin and her teammates face the personal challenge of knowing they could also contract COVID-19....
April 21, 2020
Ashley works in a hospital in Kansas City in the psychiatric wing. She is a mental health aide taking care of the acute psychiatric patients while they are hospitalized. Steven C is a Kansas City firefighter.
April 21, 2020
Cathy is a nurse at Aurora Sinai. Cathy is very serious about Nursing and helping people, but like the best of nurses she also knows how to have some fun along the way with her family, co-workers, and patients.
April 20, 2020
Thank you to the many, many nurses in the ICU who gave me the very best care. I wish I could remember them all by name, as I am so very grateful for each one. And, of course, my two superhero pulmonologists, Dr. Randy O and Dr. Jason R, who worked tirelessly to help him fight this horrific battle and win!
April 21, 2020
Amen Alhadi is a single dad and flight paramedic. He has been toiling treating Covid patients.
June 05, 2020
Local non-profit steps up during the Covid-19 to meet the unique needs of the pandemic -- food assistance, housing, and assistance with life challenges.
November 01, 2020
For Official Request To Be A Coronavirus Testing & Resource Site being a Physician's Assistant is not enough so she cares for inmates in the county jail and runs two restaurants.
December 11, 2020
Take a commercial kitchen, a health conscious chef, and 400 donated eggs and you a typical recipe for Health Eats for Milwaukee Heros. What started as an effort to get healthy food into the hands of frontline nurses at local hospitals has expanded over the past year to include Covid-19 clinic staff in under-served neighborhoods. Kathy Papineau work continues with kids and adult volunteers, teaching healthy cooking to everyone she can reach. "I believe anyone can eat healthy," she says. "And every day I work towards that."
May 05, 2020
After COVID-19 halted all non-emergency surgeries, Michael received a call from the Operation Room to change his shift and days of typical work and was reassigned first to security and then to the ICU. We thank our hero dad and husband for pitching in and helping whenever and where ever he was needed at St. Francis Hospital. Michael is among the many FrontLine hospital workers being asked for flexibility as hospitals scramble to adapt to rapid changes.
April 23, 2020
Holly has a Masters of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and is a certified professional in patient safety. Holly has been a dedicated nurse for 20 years. Holly, Director of Safety and Infection Prevention, is working to keep the patients and staff at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin safe during the pandemic. During the COVID-19 crisis, Holly has worked to set up new safety protocols...
April 21, 2020
Joan (Jo) Irwin has been a firefighter for 22 years, and has been working as a firefighter/paramedic for the Indianapolis Fire Department for almost 20 years. The love she has for her career, her community, and her family has only increased through these unprecedented times. She continues to provide gold star level care to each and every single patient she treats.
April 23, 2020
Joe is a General Medicine RN who provides acute care for adult patients who are ill with a wide variety of medical care needs and has been on the job less than a year having graduated last May from the University of Wisconsin Nursing School. But since the pandemic began, Joe’s home unit has been converted to a strictly COVID-19 unit, and Joe now cares for patients with suspected, or confirmed, COVID-19.
April 21, 2020
Justin is a paramedic, fire fighter for the city of Milwaukee. He, along with all the other fire fighters and paramedics out there are risking themselves for the wellbeing of other people. This virus has a HUGE impact on all the fire departments and their call volume. The house he’s stationed at will get between 18-20 calls for paramedics; not much sleep there! I worry about him and that he...
April 21, 2020
When Gov. Tony Evers of Wisconsin first issued the Safer-at-Home order requiring all public and private K-12 schools closed on March 25th, schools and teachers were scrambling to figure out how to teach, and more importantly reach, scores of students quickly.
April 21, 2020
I have been with my organization now for 20 years. The clinic I work with is amazing at creating processes and most importantly--we have a great dynamic of TEAMWORK! We accompany each other with direct and indirect patient care.
April 20, 2020
LK has always had compassion for helping others. In this very scary time, she continues to put herself out there for others unaware of what each day presents. She works at a clinic with their PACE program which is seeing patients in the clinic and in their homes. She coordinates care with patients and their families for patients to remain in their homes and out of the hospital.
April 21, 2020
Loren Murray is my mom. She is an emergency room nurse in the biggest and busiest ER in the Bronx, NY. Everyday she goes to work to deal with sickness and death like we have never seen. For the first time in her life she has had to support 'Facetime' for the family members of her patients so they can say goodbye.
May 16, 2020
Mark is an ER doctor at both Froedtert and the VA hospital in Milwaukee, WI. His family is staying at their vacation house 3 hours away to stay safe, while he’s here alone, risking his life every day at the hospital.
April 21, 2020
Since the onset of COVID-19 virus, Lane Harper and his Foundation’s have focused on helping flatten the curve of COVID-19 by providing free reusable cloth face masks, assisting with COVID-19 education, and providing nutritional food to help with food insufficiency.
February 04, 2021
Official Request To Be A Coronavirus Testing & Resource Site
May 17, 2020
In an effort to "flatten the curve" in the growing Covid-19 pandemic, and at critical risk to herself with PPE, Asma Inge-Hanif started a campaign to use her established health center as a way to serve as a resource, testing site and critical care provider for those not being served, especially those in our communities without viable options.
May 27, 2020
Timothy Murphy is a semi-retired New York State Funeral Director. When Governor Cummo requested additional Funeral Directors to assist with mortuary operations in the New York metropolitan area at the height of the pandemic, Murphy “volunteered “ his professional services to the grieving New York community immediately and without hesitation.
May 15, 2020
Local Owner Makes Her Apartments Safe from Germs
April 27, 2020
It hasn't been easy, but this nurse puts in long hours then takes care of her kids.
July 29, 2020
"When she was stopped from coming in our building due to Covid-19 she was sent to a different nursing home and she found out a week later that every patient she had cared for had tested positive for Covid. She got her own test and it came back positive. She was out of work for over a month trying to recover."
June 04, 2020
Despite the recent surgery and her increased susceptibility, Krystle bravely went to work every day and even took her colleagues shifts when they fell ill. She is selfless, thoughtful and our frontline and real life hero.
July 12, 2020
What makes Trace stand out today and every day is her willingness to reach out and make sure people are included. She does this through her teaching by using TemPLAYtes, a toy she created. She has been connecting with families that have students and delivering the toys to the children, along with activities to get them started. Encouraging creativity and stress relief for the whole family.
April 21, 2020
Twin sisters Renee Mendonca and Rhea Mendonca of Cleveland OH have delivered more than 1000 sanitizer kits and food cans to homeless people living on the streets.
May 16, 2020
Hello lads, The guy in the picture is Fabio O'Leary, born in Dublin and living in New York City. His mother was from County Westmeath, but his father was Italian, that's the reason he has an Italian name. He works for The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and keeps going to work 5 days a week … Be safe!
May 08, 2020
A week before Wisconsin’s Safer at Home order went into effect, the team at Aquinas Academy in Menomonee Falls began making the difficult decisions that every school needed to make quickly.
April 20, 2020
These strong women have been helping thousands of people in their career with the fire department. They are trained to act immediately and do everything in their power to help patients.
April 21, 2020